San Xoán´s Route

San Xoan´s route is the ideal plan to know Guitiriz´s landscapes, relax in Pardiñas spa and enjoy San Xoan´s recreational area with its beautiful dam and space to rest in a natural environment.

Difficulty level: Medium-low

Duration: 6:30h

Distance: 19,6km

The itinerary of San Xoan´s route begins in Guitiriz markets square, where San Xoan´s church is. We leave the village heading north until arriving Ó Pazo, heading west by camiños veciñais until Pardiñas – known for its spa indicated for hepatic and biliary diseases.

Continuing to the west, we get into the MVMC of Santa Mariña, we ascend by forest tracks in a northern direction to San Xoan´s recreational areas, crossing the repopulated pine grove of Monte veciñal.

If you need more information, contact us and we will be happy to show you all the ins and outs of the route.
