Location: Located 14.3 km from the municipal core.
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Population entities: 32
Os Aboares, As Ameixeiras, A Balsa, Bañobre, O Bernaldo, O Cal, Os Carballiños, O Carballo, A Carreira, Os Castelos, O Castro, O Cece, O Codeso,  Estremil, Galiñeiro, A Gandarela, Gatelle, A Granxa Vella, Margá , Munxín, A Paderna, A Pena, As Penas, O Prado Vello, O Pumariño, A Puza, O Regueiro, O Rodeiro, Saa, San Cristovo, San Mateo, Sinde, A Tarañeira, A Torre de Labrada, As Toxeiras, O Toxiño, A Vacariza, Os Xiros, Xove Novo, Xunto á Igrexa.

Labrada was one of the most important properties of the Monfero Monastery, therefore, the most remarkable of this village is its parish church and the monastic complex of the Farm.

The parish was created in the 13th century, due to the need to serve the faithful of this vast territory. Thus, a small monastic ensemble was built, which was called “The Farm”. Along with the monastic complex, the Parish Church of Santa Maria stands out, a Romanesque temple rebuilt between S. XVII and S.XVIII.

En Labrada, tamén destacan as “mámoas ou medorras” como poden ser a “Medorra de Formosa” en o Castro ou a “Medorra da Pena dos Nenos” na Serra da Loba. Así mesmo, O Castro de Margá, situado na aldea do mesmo nome, na ladeira do outeiro, en lugar de nun alto como soe ser habitual, ou o Castro da Torre en A Torre.

If you wish, you can request a guided tour of St. Mary’s Church of Labrada, for the historical outreach of the frescoes of it.

If you would like to know about these paintings, you can contact the Guitiriz Tourist Office or contact the Blanca Villar guide at 622 554 773.

Find out more on Facebook The Hidden Secrets.

Festivities: August 14th – 15th. In honor of Santa María.