Situation: Located 10km from the municipal core.
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Population entities: 21
A Tarroeira, O Alto, Bistixoán, O Calvo, O Campo da Pena,As Cancelas, Os Candedos, A Casa Lousada, Cerdeiras, Porto Seixo, Rebordiños, Gradón, O Lousado, Ouzás, A Penabranca, A Pereira, Sutorgedo, O Torguedo, A Vacariza, Vixón, A Xarela.

In the parish of Las Negradas is the well-known “Cave of the Serpent”, where you can see a beautiful panorama of all Guitiriz. This is an ideal place to enjoy local fauna and flora.

The Serpent Cave has a beautiful legend, it is said that a snake of a disjointed size lived there. This scared the neighbors, because, he ate cows and even some people. It is said that when he went out to eat, his mouth caught reses in Miraz’s fields, but that his tail did not completely come out of “Pena Furada”, and between one point and another there is 8 km in a straight line. To end it, the neighbors joined a donkey with alking as bait, and when the snake swallowed it, they predated it on fire. It is also said that in the Castillo de Narla (Friol) lived a princess in love with a peasant, both fled to this place and met the snake. She ate the boy, so the king’s envoys killed the snake and saved the princess.

At the foot of this famous Cave is the Parish Church, in O Lousado. The “Mill of the Devesela” of 1875 and the “Mill of the Crego” of 1900, both are located in the village of Lousado, are preserved in good condition, the second even functioning to this day.

Festivities: The last weekend of September in honor of St. Michael’s.